What to Write in a Sympathy Card: a Free Guide from Heartell Press

What to Write in a Sympathy Card: a Free Guide from Heartell Press

August 30, 2023

Creating Meaningful Connections: A Guide to Writing Sympathy Cards


As a supporter of our work at Heartell Press, you're well aware of the profound solace that a sympathy card can offer during times of grief and loss. But it isn’t always easy to decide what to write inside a card. 


Our Mission: Crafting Connections Through Life’s Ups and Downs


At Heartell Press, our mission revolves around crafting beautiful, handmade cards that foster meaningful connections amidst life's ebb and flow. Since all of our cards are blank inside, we saw a need to help senders compose sincere messages and navigate the complicated emotions that arise when we try to comfort one another in difficult times. On this National Grief Awareness Day, we're excited to introduce a new resource: a comprehensive guide to What to Write in a Sympathy Card.


Wisdom From Our Community


We reached out to our unique community of passionate card writers and stationery store owners to gather insights into the most comforting messages they've received in challenging times. Their wisdom has been distilled into a wellspring of guidance, available for you to download here!


Unveiling the Guide: Dispelling Myths and Crafting Messages


Our guide begins by dispelling four common myths that often hinder us from sending heartfelt messages. It then delves into the art of crafting messages, exploring themes of solidarity, support, validation, and continuity.


Navigating Sentiments: What to Avoid and Embrace


The heart of the guide is a map to help you navigate the terrain of sentiments, touching on three categories to avoid while composing your note. A key piece of wisdom we share is that any note sent with the intention to provide comfort is far better than none at all.


Guiding Your Expression: Sample Phrases and Occasions


We conclude the guide with a curated list of occasions warranting a sympathy card, accompanied by sample phrases and sentiments designed to inspire your unique message.


Empathy in Action: Extending Support


Facilitating heartfelt connections during challenging moments is a privilege that lies close to our hearts. This guide aims to empower you, enabling you to effortlessly tap into your reservoir of empathy and compassion, ensuring your love and support reaches those who need it most.

What to Write in a Sympathy Card: download the free guide here.

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