Decorate Your Devices With Our Free Sweet Peas Quarterly Wallpapers

Happy Spring! I'm writing to share your new free quarterly desktop and mobile wallpapers. You can download them here (you'll be prompted to enter your email - this is just a way for us to keep track of how many people download them but won't mean any extra emails from us).
These fresh sweet peas (in two color choices!) represent a BIG step for me on my pattern-making journey. I made these patterns using scans of the three individual color blocks from our new Sweet Pea patterned greeting cards from our Edible Flowers Assorted Card Set. I've spent two years in hot pursuit of a method for creating seamlessly repeating patterns that faithfully retain the texture and character of our woodblock printed designs, and by George I think I've cracked it! It took a lot of planning but I'm so happy with how they turned out, I hope you like them too.
Spring is starting to coax the shoots and buds out here and these wallpapers feel like a promise of all that is to come as the warm weather approaches and growing season gets underway. I'm excited to have these on my devices and I hope they'll inspire you too. I'm also going to start scheming about other surfaces to apply these patterns to - I'd love to hear if there are other things you'd like to see them on!
Thank you for your support of my work,